Download Your Free Senior Living Guidebook

Put Your Trust in KindCare at Bristol and Ease Your Worries About The Future

When it comes to making the next big decision about your or your loved one’s care, you should feel prepared and confident. That’s where KindCare at Bristol comes in. We’ve created three specialized guidebooks for families to use as their road maps to navigate the senior living journey. Each has helpful resources, tips and information about our personalized, family-centered approach to care.
Download your preferred guide – or all three – for free, today!

Which Guidebook Is Right For You?

Knowledge is Comfort

When you’re not sure where to begin, or which direction to head in next, turn to the senior living experts at Charter to answer your questions and guide you to a supportive solution. This guidebook is an overview of all things senior living, including care levels, health resources, cost comparisons, and planning checklists.

Seeking Support

Caring for a loved one with memory loss can be challenging. With Charter by your side, you won’t have to navigate this journey alone. Discover at-home tips for safety and communication, coping methods, and how a Memory Care community can help – especially with our unique, research-based FlourishSM

Empowering Your Retirement

It can be overwhelming to budget for future care. With our latest guidebook, you and your loved ones can prepare the right way with expert tips on how to compare wants and needs, how to compare the costs of living at home versus moving to a senior living community, how to pay for higher levels of care, and more helpful financial resources.

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