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What Is the Senior S.P.A.R.K. Club?

Are you ready to enrich your life and connect with others? Welcome to the Senior S.P.A.R.K. Club at Charter Senior Living! This vibrant initiative invites you to engage in dynamic activities and create lasting friendships within our welcoming communities. Imagine enhancing your social life, boosting your well-being and discovering new interests through exciting monthly events. With […]

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How To Navigate Assisted Living Decisions With Your Loved One

It can be challenging to take care of a senior loved one. Unexpected changes in health or behavior can overwhelm caregivers, preventing them from providing the required level of care. At that time, families often consider transitioning their senior loved one to an assisted living community. It’s important to maintain trust and keep communications open […]

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The Importance of Wellness Programming in Senior Living

Wellness programs for seniors have become increasingly popular in the past decade. This is one of the most distinguishing characteristics of a good senior living community. Research by the Milken Institute shows that people who embrace wellness as part of their daily lives reap significant benefits in terms of longevity and quality of life. In addition to […]

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