Senior Living Activities & Events in Bristol

A Place of Enrichment & Inspiration

Our mission is to help seniors rejuvenate their lives with exciting activities that enrich and inspire. 

Our calendar is packed with a variety of events, from movie nights to cooking classes all the way to exciting excursions into the surrounding community. We’re committed to creating a joyful atmosphere that will bring out the best in our residents—where they can connect with others while exploring new interests or old pastimes.

We invite you to visit KindCare at Bristol today! From arts & crafts sessions to bridge tournaments, there’s something for everyone here!

Why Engagement Is Important

We prioritize resident engagement. Our carefully curated activities and events actively promote physical well-being while also helping to reduce the risk of depression. 

Engaging in these experiences not only stimulates cognitive abilities but also ignites creativity, fostering a sense of purpose and belonging. Ultimately, this enriches lives, resulting in improved overall health and happiness.

Our Assisted Living Calendar

Our Memory Care Calendar

Something Around Every Corner

Discover a range of captivating classes covering baking, grilling, and healthy eating.

Our esteemed chefs will seamlessly blend education with entertainment, sharing invaluable meal-making tips and recipes.

Our technology courses empower seniors with the skills to keep up with social media and communication technology.

From navigating platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to understanding smartphones and tablets, we help your loved one stay connected and engaged.

Art classes provide a creative outlet for seniors to express themselves through painting, drawing, and crafts. We supply all the required materials, so seniors can dive right into exploring their creativity.

From pottery to sketching, we provide it all.

Our senior health programs provide personalized exercise classes and seminars on nutrition, mental well-being, sleep quality, and preventive care.

We empower older adults to maintain an active lifestyle and embrace life fully.

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